We are a body of religious believers who follow in the faith and character of the early Christian Church.

Each congregation is called an “ecclesia” (the New Testament word for Church). Our members are called Brother or Sister.

The elders and deacons of our Church are elected from within our local fellowship. (1 Tim Chapter 3:1-13  and Titus Chapter 1:6-9)

Members of our congregation contribute their time and energy voluntarily in service to God.

We accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God; and study both the Old and New Testaments. (2 Tim 2:15)

We recommend personal and topical Bible study and provide Study aids. (Act 17:11)

We are a non-denominational independent Church group that recognizes Jesus as our only head and enjoy a worldwide fellowship. (Col 1:18)

There is no organization to join and no creed to affirm. (Col 3:15)
